Tuesday, 23 September 2008

The hidden Clickbank stats you should read

My friend Malcolm at UK Horse Racing Systems came up with some good advice in his daily email service this Monday. He uses John Morrison’s SportsChamp system (http://www.xbetz.co.uk) as an example. I can’t say I’ve tested this system but the advice itself provides solid benchmarking for analysing the likely quality of any product you may buy via Clickbank.

Over to Malcolm for his comments:

“This product is sold through "Clickbank" which have some statistics, that, if you know where to look, (I do after years in this business) can give you some very interesting information about the product.

Let me share some of this with you.

Gravity - this is how popular a product is and normal most sports products have a gravity of around 10. Now gravity is not an exact science but at over 80 for this product is does mean it is very popular and certainly probably one of the most popular in the sports section of "ClickBank".

SportsChamp (http://www.xbetz.co.uk) is still number 1 under Sports & Recreation - Sports picks as well.

Refunds - "ClickBank" operate quite a liberal refund policy and I can tell you that a lot of people who buy systems also ask for a lot of refunds and it is probably the highest category in ClickBank for them. It's to be expected because we all know that plenty of the systems available are not that good and quick read after purchase will tell you this.

Again with the correct information you can get an idea of the amount of refunds against a product (unofficially) and I can tell you that SportsChamp (http://www.xbetz.co.uk) appears to have very few refunds, in fact based on the information available it is less than 0.5% of people who purchase ask for refunds.

Although this information is not really relevant to the product I do think if you know that it is obviously a popular product, that people appear to like and are happy with then that is a good start.

I tell you the things that swing it for me, the testimonials. Now some people think these things are made up but from experience this is hardly ever the case and to actually get people to do you a video is almost impossible unless they really do believe in the product, but there are 20 alone on his home page and another 50 on his other pages.

You cannot imagine how anyone could get that many video's made up and I really don't believe for one minute they are, but if you look on his other testimonial pages you will see 100's of them.

In summing up I should reiterate that this is a "ClickBank" product and because of that you automatically get a "Refund Policy" but John offers you one anyway.

My "No Ifs, Ands, or Buts Personal Guarantee"

I honestly don't see how I can deserve to make a dime off of you if you don't profit under my system. If I cannot get you to become one of the most profitable bettors in the world, then I'm not worthy to make anything off of you. That's the standard I've always lived by. Read this: If you are to lose money in sports betting when applying my systems, then I insist that you contact me and I'll be glad to refund you back everything you've paid me in its entirety. No ifs. No ands. No buts. No questions asked. No hard feelings!

So with all the information you have at hand I cannot see the risk here and to be honest I have convinced myself that this is probably a worthwhile product to buy”.

For more information about SportsChamp, visit:



Lammo said...

Bank Vault Report

Having purchased it ages ago I am just getting round to having a serious go at the BVR as my impression is that it has stood the test of time. I am trying to use 2 banks so I have started with 2 banks of £100 each at £5 profit target and split the winnings evenly between the 2 banks, the point of doing that is to try and get into a position where if a decent amount is made it is immunune from 'wipeout day' as I would just split the remaining bank into 2 and start again and nothing really lost as it betting with other peoples money. Would just like to ask how you found in your experience of betting at 1/20th of the bank, have you always found that sufficient? Also any statistics that you have handy or even rough experience of how many times you have reached the upper stages of the ladder etc would be fascinating. All the best. Andy

Jon Dee said...

Hi Andrew, splitting your bank in this way is a very good idea. Some people are using 5 or so accounts to a £2-£5 profit target each per day, and I think this is prudent.
As I mention in the report, the dreaded "wipeout" scenario is only really a serious risk at the early stages of trading. The odds are statistically around 244/1 against but, in my experience the number of 5-rung losers in reality is a tad higher than this. If you do not have a copy of the stats analysis for the BVR, drop me a line and I will be happy to send you one. Good luck, and let me know how you get on.

Lammo said...


Thanks that would be great, if you could email it to andrewelliott1917@googlemail.com. Also meant to ask I noticed that there was an update to the BVR, is it much of a revision or just a few tweaks?


Jon Dee said...

Hi Andrew, the current version of the BVR is 1.6 which includes some revisions including laying the place market and bank splitting techniques. All customers of previous versions of the BVR can get the update free.